George Harrison Pirate Song

The Original George Harrison Pirate Song Video

 George Harrison Pirate Song George Harrison singing Pirate Song on Rutland Weekend Television It's been over 5 years since I uploaded a clip of George Harrison singing his Pirate Song to my You Tube channel. I edited it from an episode of 'Rutland Weekend Television' that was first shown on BBC 2 in 1975. The clip has had almost 2 million views with many likes and comments. It has caused quite a stir with many people not being aware of it's existence until they viewed it on my YouTube channel. Artificial Intelligence  Some have even suggested the clip is AI generated as they can't believe George did such a thing. It does reveal George's sense of humour and was a good sport. I actually remember watching the episode way back in 1975, so it's definitely real! Rutland Weekend Television The context to the clip is that it was part of an episode of Rutland Weekend Television, which was a spoof Monty Python type of show that wasn't really mainstream back in th

Collard Dove Builds Nest On Satellite Dish

 Another use for  a satellite dish.

Dove Makes Nest on Satellite Dish
You can just about see the nest through the mesh

Nest can be seen from underneath satellite dish

Makes a good place to build a nest.

Collard Dove sits on nest it had built on satellite dish

This Dove  has been sitting on this 'satellite nest' for over a week now . There are two eggs so I will be keeping an eye on these.- And so will someone else.....

The 'Monkey' from Toy Story 3 was put out when
he lost his satellite signal.
Follow along as he investigates what is causing it.


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