The Bus Route The Beatles Took To Liverpool

Smithdown/ Ullet Road Junction Circa 1900 We see here a fascinating painting from around 1900 showing the junction between Ullet Road and Smithdown Road. In the picture is a tram from Garston on it's way up Smithdown Road towards the City Centre. Smithdown/ Ullet Road Junction in the 21st Century Not much has changed in over 100 years, although the trams have long gone. This is where the number 60 bus travelling from Bootle Strand turns onto Ullet Road as it heads towards the Dingle. The Beatle's Bus Route For Beatles fans, this is under a mile away from Penny Lane heading towards Liverpool city centre. The Fab Four would have travelled past here on buses many times on their way to the Cavern in Matthew street. John, Paul and Georges' homes were easily accessible along this route from behind the camera. Ringo's home could be reached taking a left here along Ullet Road.